This article will show you how to delete a recovery partition and increase disk space on your windows pc or server VM. Sometimes, usually after an in-place upgrade, the recovery partition will be in the way and prevent you from increasing the disk space on the C drive.
In this case, we will have to delete the recovery partition in order to extend the disk.
Here are the steps to delete it:
- Open PowerShell as administrator
- Type “diskpart” and hit enter
- Type “list disk”
- Select the disk containing the recovery partition by typing “select disk 0”
- Type “list partition” to list all available partitions
- Now select the recovery partition that needs to be deleted. “select partition 3”
- Now we can delete the partition. Type “delete partition override”
This will delete the partition and now you should be able to extend the disk as there is nothing in the way between the C drive and the unallocated space.