Upgrade Procedure: Cisco 3850 – IOS XE 16.x.x to 16.x.y

Cisco 3850 – Upgrading IOS XE from 16.x.x to 16.x.y

This procedure is very similar to the previous one where we talked about upgrading from 3.x.x to 16.x.x, but there are a few key differences that a worth noting here.

  • First, we will need to copy the new software to the flash on the switch. This can be done with either copying from a USB drive or TFTP server. I am using TFTP since I don’t have direct access to the switch.
copy tftp: flash:

We can check the flash to verify that the new software is present

show flash:

NOTE: You can increase the TFTP block size to increase the transfer speed.

To increase the block size enter the command below in configure terminal

ip tftp blocksize 8192show flash:
  • Now we are ready to upgrade the switch. In the previous article, we talked about regenerating the RSA keys, this is not required in this procedure. Again, before we run the upgrade command, let’s verify how many switches are in the stack:
show switch

In my case, there are four active switches. I am going to run the following command to upgrade the switches. This command is diffrent than the one in version 3.x.x

request platform software package install switch all file flash:/cat3k_caa-universalk9.16.06.06.SPA.bin new auto-copy
  • To finish the upgrade, we need to save the running config and reload the switch:
wr mem
  • After the switch comes back up we can confirm that the new version is installed
show version

Now we can run the following command to clean up the old packages from the flash and free up some space

request platform software package clean switch all file flash: